- Tài khoản và mật khẩu chỉ cung cấp cho sinh viên, giảng viên, cán bộ của TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC FPT
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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/1927

Title: Information Expensiveness Perceived by Vietnamese Patients with Respect to Healthcare Provider's Choice
Authors: Vuong, Quan Hoang
Keywords: Healthcare provider
Quality of information
Health data
Consumer behavior
Issue Date: 26-Oct-2016
Publisher: AVICENA
Abstract: Background: Patients have to acquire information to support their decision on choosing a suitable healthcare provider. But in developing countries like Vietnam, accessibility issues remain an obstacle, thus adversely affect both quality and costliness of healthcare information. Vietnamese use both sources from health professionals and friends/relatives, especially when quality of the Internet-based cheaper sources appear to be still questionable. The search of information from both professionals and friends/relatives ...
Description: 4 pages
URI: http://ds.libol.fpt.edu.vn/handle/123456789/1927
Appears in Collections:Articles published by FPT lecturers

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