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Capstone Project Đồ án tốt nghiệp Voice Morphing Voice AutoTune
Issue Date:
is project, we want to develop a method for morphing voice in the
Music Record application. When the users sing and record, his pitch, melody,
vibrato can be modified to resemble a sample record of the same melody sang
by another person(may be professional singer) or another musical monophonic
instrument(like piano, guitar,…). The modifying technique is bases on fast
fourier transform(FFT), to which many change have been done to better it to the
sample record. Also a morphing system has been created for the needed
synchronization of the user’s voice with record’s melody before the morph is
done. And we also find another technique to smooth our record output( it will
make our record sound better) , find another method of voice morphing to
compare our results and choose the best method for my application.