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Capstone Project Đồ án tốt nghiệp Dissertations Kỹ thuật phần mềm Software Engineering SP22SE43 VJAA CRM
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Currently, the sales staff or the sales managers are one of the key points in the company/business in terms of selling products. Managing the progress between sales staff and customers has become more difficult and complex than ever, managing manually causing mistakes or omissions in connecting with customers of the company/enterprise. The more data sources, the more the management and capture of all customers leads to easily missing customers in the working process, or some customers will not be cared for carefully. This affects the quality and quantity of customers coming to the company/enterprise, but the sales rate will be below.
Sales managers will also have trouble managing their own salespeople because they don't know who will do what and who won't, wasting time collecting data to prepare financial statements for the company/enterprise but not sure the number is accurate compared to reality. Furthermore, although the CRM system is already available in the market, it still lacks specificity specific to a certain business (e.g., VietJet Air Academy). If using a popular CRM system in the market, sometimes misunderstandings or errors can occur due to differences in industry. Having a specific CRM system is more convenient and effective when the CRM system is designed specifically for a specific field. At the same time, most of the current CRM systems are still not diverse in providing data to form statistical tables. There will be specific types of graphs for different purposes so that viewers can easily understand and draw conclusions based on those types of statistics.
Therefore, we realized that it is necessary to have a system to use the application to help sales staff as well as support sales staff to work more effectively. CRM dedicated to VJAA with a beautiful interface, logical arrangement, and new features such as a variety of statistics, rigor and meticulousness in managing employees' work promises to completely solve the problem. problems that nowadays we often find it difficult to use when using CRM for business.