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Capstone Project Đồ án tốt nghiệp Dissertations Kỹ thuật phần mềm Software Engineering FA22SE62 FPTer Lecturer Schedul IS
Issue Date:
• Currently, the scheduling system for lecturers at FPT University (FAP) is working with the flow is:
• At the beginning of the semester, the lecturer will be received the first schedule with some information about times, slots, subjects, classes… have to teach with this and the problems here is something in their schedule the must teach some subject they don’t want or it’s not their forte and they have to teach in any slot time they do not want.
• The lecturer scheduling system (FLS) is designed to solve this problem. Specifically, it collects information about each lecturer's interests, teaching strengths, and slot time in each subject, thereby optimizing the lecturer's teaching schedule.