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Capstone Project Đồ án tốt nghiệp Dissertations Truyền thông đa phương tiện Multimedia communications SU22MC05 MC Social campaign Tell the stories of my family Parent Teenage children Chiến dịch truyền thông Kể chuyện nhà mình
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The communication gap between parents and children has recently been a hot topic. Because
the number of teenagers aged 12 to 17 committing suicide has been increasing recently, nearly
89 percent of parents are shocked by their child's conduct. According to a poll by the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention in 2022, more than 15 percent of 12 to 17-year-olds report
having at least once considered suicide due to conflicts. In addition, 367 out of 410 pupils
(81.2%) responded: "they are having difficulties with their parents" when asked about their
relationship with their parents (Lynn, 2022).
The lack of communication between parents and their children has led to many social issues
such as family violence, suicide, and mental health problems. To prevent that situation, we
have conducted primary and secondary research to find out why parents and children cannot
communicate with each other. How can we improve the relationship between parents and
children at home?